Sowing Seeds On Good Ground

We know that the only way to end homelessness is to create a robust affordable housing solution. That’s why we are in partnership with indieDwell to build the indieDwell California Factory in East Palo Alto.

With the factory, UHB is unearthing the challenges our community faces with homelessness by inspiring others to sow seeds On Good Ground, so our neighbors can thrive with affordable modular housing.

Follow us for a little analogy, will you?

As we unearth the soil beneath us, we are creating a foundation for seeds to grow On Good Ground.

So what’s it like to be a seed planted On Good Ground?

First, its roots dig deep giving it a foundation of strength.

Next, it grows and breaks through the soil becoming a sprout.

Then, it’s equipped with the necessities to blossom into a healthy, substantial tree.

Finally, the tree, for example, thrives and other forms of life turn to it for safety and security on their journey.

The same could be said for the work that we're doing to end homelessness. United Hope Builders is steadfast, resilient, and ever-growing.

And it all started with a tiny seed.

Over the last 25 years, UHB co-founders Pastor Paul and Cheryl Bains have had the seed of a vision to end homelessness in their community.

The seed of the vision first took root in the form of WeHOPE, UHB’s sister organization that provides short-term solutions and immediate support for those experiencing homelessness. The roots of that vision then expanded and grew into what is now United Hope Builders mission to establish long-term solutions to ending homelessness through affordable housing.

In pursuit of this larger, transformative vision, at UHB we’re sowing our seeds On Good Ground.

  • On Good Ground, we’ve raised over $5.2 million from private donors, foundations, and the County of San Mateo.

  • On Good Ground, we’ve moved into a definitive partnership with our friends at indieDwell and broke ground in July 2022 to build the indieDwell California Factory.

  • On Good Ground, we’ve received a $4 million in-kind pledge that serves to support the expense of the land that the indieDwell California factory is being built on.

  • On Good Ground, we are in partnership with a faith-based organization in San Jose, for  example, that could yield 100-150 units.

  • On Good Ground, we have a private landholder in East Palo Alto who will construct 292 units of affordable housing for seniors, homeless and the disabled.

  • On Good Ground, we have a generous donor who has made a very significant pledge to help underwrite 100 units to house homeless individuals.

  • On Good Ground, we are sowing seeds toward ending homelessness together.

Each of these seeds sown has been a gift not only to the United Hope Builders mission, but a gift to our community. We strive to take a similar journey to the tree seedling. We seek to take root, sprout, bloom, and prosper in our drive to provide homes for all as a thriving community. 

You too can sow seeds On Good Ground with us.

To learn more about how you can join us in helping our community put down roots On Good Ground visit our campaign page here.


Faith in Action: How We’re Tackling Homelessness